cover image Lesbian Family Life Cycle

Lesbian Family Life Cycle

Suzanne Slater. Free Press, $25 (265pp) ISBN 978-0-02-920895-3

Slater, a psychotherapist who specializes in work with lesbians, advocates what she considers gay women's ``basic right to parent their own children.'' While conceding that many mainstream professionals and laypersons regard lesbian families as ``inherently and fundamentally deviant,'' she emphatically disagrees. This scholarly yet accessible study sets forth a five-stage ``life cycle model'' of family experience for cohabiting lesbians, whether or not they have children. Stages 1-3 involve becoming a couple, solidifying the partnership through ongoing relational work, and the trials and deepening intimacy of the middle years. In stage 4, generativity, each partner achieves links to the future, whether through parenting, social activism or other pursuits. The final stage, the over-65 years, encompasses challenges such as retirement, increased togetherness, lack of income, health emergencies and ``widowhood.'' Slater also discusses coping mechanisms by which lesbian couples deal with social rejection, homophobia and isolation. (June)