cover image Obama's Enforcer: Eric Holder's Justice Department

Obama's Enforcer: Eric Holder's Justice Department

John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky. Broadside, $27.99 (304p) ISBN 978-0-06232092-6

One of the more potent weapons in the Obama Administration's political arsenal remains Eric Holder's Justice Department, according to this scathing work by Fund and Von Spakovsky (co-authors of Who's Counting), two conservatives with very little good to say about the beleaguered president or his "racialized" agency that fully prosecutes federal discrimination laws while largely ignoring national security issues. With a whopping $27 billion budget and over 100,000 employees, Fund and Von Spakovsky see Holder's control at the DOJ as abusive, dangerous, and threatening "the freedom and well-being of Americans" at the "most powerful law enforcement agency" in the country. The authors trace the Bronx-native Holden's rapid rise to the top, citing his "arrogant contempt for the rule of law," incompetence, from supposedly lying to Congress on numerous occasions to refusing to appoint special counsels to probe irregularities with the Obama White House. A harsh rebuke is launched at Holder's Civil Rights Division of the DOJ, packed with what the authors consider politically-biased lawyers, for enforcing Voter ID laws in many "red" states. A bitter indictment of Holder's DOJ policies as well as the president, Fund and von Spakovsky remind us that the country is in the midst of a savage ideological firestorm. (June)