cover image Coping with Arthritis: More Mobility, Less Pain

Coping with Arthritis: More Mobility, Less Pain

Robert P. Sheon. McGraw-Hill Companies, $12.95 (375pp) ISBN 978-0-07-056561-6

The authors of this comprehensive self-help manual are careful not to raise false hopes and are frank about the patience and diligence required to improve an arthritic condition. The authors, physicians who collaborated on Soft Tissue Rheumatic Pain, maintain that most people aggravate arthritis pain by failing to protect joints or to change habitual physical actions that injure and inflame sensitive tissues. Those who suffer from writer's cramp, for example, can use an inexpensive plastic penholder to keep fingers in the proper position, relieving the strain on the hand's muscles and tendons. Tables outline possible causes of specific pains, harmful and helpful behaviors, exercises to safely condition and strengthen injured tissues and to assist in preventing further problems, self-examination techniques, and warning signs that should send people to their physicians for further evaluation. The range of subjects includes sports injuries, all-over pain, soft-tissue rheumatic-pain disorders, work-related injuries and the specific ills of major joints and body parts. Hueter is a medical writer. Illustrations. Prevention Book Club selection. (October 12)