cover image No Need for Heroes

No Need for Heroes

Brian Keaney. Oxford University Press, USA, $14.95 (120pp) ISBN 978-0-19-271610-1

Keaney combines ancient myths with science fiction to create a highly original story with refreshing, distinctly feminist overtones. Ariadne of Crete watches helplessly as her father, King Minos, suppresses the worship of the life-affirming goddess in favor of his invention, Taurus, the bloodthirsty bull-god. Minos soon controls all the neighboring kingdoms, aided by a mysterious adviser, Daedalus, and his deadly black box. Minos betrothes Ariadne to silly Lycomedes of Scyros, but her mother's sudden death means a reprieve for Ariadne until her younger sister Phaedra is old enough to care for herself. But ultimately, the only way Ariadne can escape marriage is to ensure that Theseus of Athens, who heads the latest contingent of sacrificial victims for Taurus, vanquishes Minos and takes her away with him. Thanks to her bravery and quick wits, that's just what happens. The lovely twist here is that Ariadne refuses both Theseus's proposal of marriage and Icarus's invitation to journey with him to the future, opting instead to follow a path of her own choosing. It's just the right touch, further enhancing this excellent work, a welcome book for all those who love the Greek myths. Ages 11-14. (June)