cover image Oxford Dictionary of Nicknames

Oxford Dictionary of Nicknames

Andrew Delahunty. Oxford University Press, $29.95 (229pp) ISBN 978-0-19-860539-3

If you don't remember the real name of Calamity Jane or which president was the first Dark Horse, this handy reference by lexicographer Delahunty will set you straight. As the author points out in his concise and serious introduction, nicknames (from the Middle English an eke, or additional, name), can be punny (the Prince of Wails) or rhyming (Stormin' Norman) or refer to a physical characteristic (the Great Profile), among other defining characteristics. This volume is a treasure trove of popular linguistic creativity. From the Hanging Judge to Hanoi Jane, and from Queen Dick to the Queen of Hearts, it makes for delightful bathroom browsing with just a dab of history and culture.