cover image The Glass God

The Glass God

Kate Griffin. Orbit, $15 trade paper (464p) ISBN 978-0-316-18727-5

Earnest and well-meaning Sharon Li is drafted as the replacement for Matthew Swift, London’s Midnight Mayor, when he vanishes in Griffin’s wonderful second Magicals Anonymous novel (after Stray Souls). Assisted by dogsbody Rhys, Sharon—social worker, journeyman shaman, and chief administrator for a support group for the supernaturally perplexed—must navigate the convoluted world of the city’s supernatural community. Her competence leads only to more responsibility as success in the search for the mayor sticks Sharon with the even more daunting task of appeasing an angry god wandering the streets. Demon-strating a laudable respect for the rule of law, armed with good intentions and a quick and cunning mind, the firmly determined Sharon is often out of her depth but always willing to step up. This utterly charming protagonist easily elevates Griffin’s second magical London series above the urban fantasy crowd. (July)