cover image BT-I-Land: Manhtn Monol

BT-I-Land: Manhtn Monol

Sonia Pilcer. Ballantine Books, $6.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-345-34551-6

The framing event of these delectably malicious monologues is the imminent wedding of Eliot, an attorney, and Randee, whom we first meet huffing on her stationary bicycle so she can be sleek when she slices into her wedding cake. Everything happens on a single November Saturday in New York, ""a whole city caught up in self-love and self-advertisement.'' Dr. Tannenbaum, the gourmand psychotherapist; Virginia the gorgeous writer fixated on her black lace teddies; and transsexual Lanaeager to make it with various lovers before and after his/her operationare among the yuppies and artists, queens and straights who populate these pages. Pilcer, a seasoned writer of fiction (Teen Angel, Maiden Rites presents characters on the prowl for love and constantly fretting about sexually transmitted diseases and cellulite. Settings include saunas and galleries and well-known emporia like Bloomingdale's and Tower Records, and there are some wonderfully soul-scouring confrontations with one's telephone, bed and mirror. Pilcer's ear is true, and her hyped-up voices provide great entertainment. (August)