cover image Dragongirl


Todd McCaffrey, Del Rey, $26.00 (464p) ISBN 9780345491169

Older and wiser after three turns in the past, young Weyrwoman Fiona and Talenth, her golden queen dragon, return to continue the fight against the deadly Threadfall in McCaffrey's romantic, highflying sequel to Dragonheart. This time out the battle is made more difficult by a horrifying disease that is steadily killing off the dragons. Despite finding a cure, the fear persists that there won't be enough dragons to battle the next Threadfall. In the meantime, a kinky love quartette between Fiona, dragonrider T'Mar, Weyrwoman and ex-queenrider Lorana, and Harper/Weyrlingmaster Kindan creates friction, especially when both Lorana and Fiona become pregnant as threats to Pern increase. McCaffrey's assured characterizations and ease with referencing Pern's elaborate history make this a hardy fantasy that faithfully echoes and builds upon his mother's original vision. (July)