cover image After Thursday

After Thursday

Jean Ure. Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers, $14.95 (181pp) ISBN 978-0-385-29548-2

The sequel to See You Thursday raises many issues in its treatment of a relationship between a sighted girl and a blind young man. Unfortunately, none are resolved, and readers may feel a bit cheated at book's end. Marianne, 17, enjoys a romance with Abe, a blind musician eight years her senior. But Abe wants to be more independent and goes off on a concert tour with Debbie, a beautiful singer his own age. A boy named Peter joins Marianne in various activitieshorseback riding and rock concertsthat Abe can't or won't participate in. Ure doesn't develop the book's conflicts: the disparity between Marianne's and Abe's ages and interests; her need to care for him versus his desire for independence; and the choice between active Peter and passive Abe. The story's open endingpresumably leading the way to a third installmentdraws no conclusions and leaves the characters much the same as they were in the beginning. Ages 12-up. (June)