cover image Control Freaks

Control Freaks

Gerald W. Piaget. Doubleday Books, $20 (228pp) ISBN 978-0-385-41279-7

Addressing the problems caused by domineering, meddling ``control freaks,'' addicted to always ``being in charge,'' this self-help guide by a California psychologist advises victims on how to maintain their independence of thought and action. A self-admitted former control freak, the author explores the nature and motivations of controllers, be they family, employers or friends. Along with questionnaires and exercises aimed at strengthening and improving communication skills, the book recommends techniques derived from the aikido martial arts system of ``alignment,'' which alternates yielding to and pressing the opponent rather than confrontation. If all else fails, the author concludes, withdrawing from the relationship may be the only viable option. Piaget instructs his readers to ``make sure you proceed exactly as I tell you''--then jokes that his control-freak tendencies are ``beginning to leak again.'' Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club alternates. (July)