cover image Succsfl Womn, Angry MN

Succsfl Womn, Angry MN

Bebe Moore Campbell. Random House (NY), $15.95 (236pp) ISBN 978-0-394-55149-4

In this country, over half the married women, many with children, work outside the home, and dual-career couples now head the divorce statistics. Such figures, quoted in Campbell's book, claim the reader's attention. Herself a divorced mother, the author, a freelance writer, assesses her own situation and also interviews some 100 married men and women whose opinions suggest an underlying cause of breakups: males express their insecurity, which makes it difficult to accept a wife's accomplishments as a wage-earner; females note that they are not yet comfortable with success or even with women's newly won rights. Campbell concludes that lasting marriages require that a couple respect each other as friends and equals. (January 10)