cover image Dragon Bound

Dragon Bound

Thea Harrison, Berkley Sensation, $7.99 mass market (336p) ISBN 978-0-425-24150-9

A dragon, gryphons, and other Wyr creatures populate Harrison's steamy paranormal romance, the first in the Elder Races series. When Pia Giovanni's ex-boyfriend blackmails her into stealing from Dragos Cuelebre, Pia knows it's only a matter of time before the powerful dragon tracks her down. But instead of killing her, Dragos finds himself drawn to the half-human, half-Wyr thief. When the two are attacked and captured by goblins, Dragos and Pia realize that an old, powerful enemy of Dragos's wants them dead. Harrison goes beyond the usual vampires and werewolves to create an entertaining cast of supernatural creatures, but the action soon slows to a crawl and transforms into a series of misunderstandings between the lovers. Dominant Dragos is meant to be alpha-male sexy, but his constant bouts of possessive jealousy quickly grow tiresome, as does Pia's skittish, passive nature. (May)