cover image Copygirl


Anna Mitchael and Michelle Sassa. Berkley, $15 trade paper (320p) ISBN 978-0-425-28112-3

Here’s what happens when girl power storms Mad Men, according to former ad agency creative writers Mitchael and Sassa. Whether it’s accurate is unimportant, since they got it wickedly funny and smartly sweet. Aspiring writer Kay is on the new junior team of copywriters at an edgy up-and-coming ad agency in Manhattan’s Chinatown, where she’s hopelessly smitten with ad-school pal Ben, goaded by the alternately dismissive and demanding boss Elliott, subject to the whip-cracking of senior account planner Suit, and trying to win the approval of her mother, “Attila the Mum.” The magic that pulls Kay from self-pity and self-defeat comes in the form of a video series called Copygirl that Kay makes to depict that harsh side of her profession. Kay also gets help from BFF Kellie, who leads Kay’s cheering section from Paris; wise old Renee, who dispenses life advice and save-the-day sewing services; and the ladies at Schmidt Travino Drew & Partners, who have all the smarts needed to beat the ad boys at their own game. Mitchael’s and Sassa’s collaborative narrative is seamless, and their story is a high-octane, electric look at Madison Avenue craziness from a pair who’ve been there and done that. A very fun read. Agent: Susan Golomb, Writers House. (Oct.)