cover image  Of Fire and Night: The Saga of Seven Suns, Book 5

Of Fire and Night: The Saga of Seven Suns, Book 5

Kevin J. Anderson, . . Warner Aspect, $25.99 (526pp) ISBN 978-0-446-57718-2

Bestseller Anderson's fabulous fifth volume in his Seven Suns saga (after 2005's Scattered Suns ) combines glitzy space-opera flash with witty, character-driven action on a cosmic scale. In retaliation for the destruction of a gas planet's hydrogue inhabitants, the surviving hydrogues join forces with human-hating Klikiss-created robots to exterminate all Terrans, including Hansa colonists, gypsy Roamers and Therons of Theroc, the forested planet that's home to sentient verdani. Vast verdani organic battleships unite with fiery, star-dwelling faeros, Earth Defense Forces and humanoid Ildirans in "elemental synergy" to fight the hydrogues. Expertly juggling a huge cast and multiple story lines, Anderson unleashes major firepower as he sets the scene for the sixth and final chapter in an SF series more entertaining than a 3-D superstar game of outerspace Twister. (July)
