cover image Parkinson's Disease: A Holistic Program for Optimal Wellness

Parkinson's Disease: A Holistic Program for Optimal Wellness

Jill Marjama-Lyons. Warner Books, $15.99 (414pp) ISBN 978-0-446-67890-2

The latest in the""What Your Doctor May Not Tell You"" series--which currently includes guides on Fibromyalgia, Knee Pain and Surgery, and Migraines--this book works as a resource for those who suspect they may have Parkinson's, for those seeking treatment, and for those choosing among conventional and alternative treatments. Marjama-Lyons is a neurologist and former director of the Parkinson Center at the University of Florida; Shomon has no medical degree, but is the author of Living Well with Hyperthyroidism and Living Well with Autoimmune Disease. Together, they begin with""Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis,"" where they define the disease (called the shaking palsy in the early 19th century by James Parkinson), and run through what is known about its causes, mechanisms, risk factors and early indicators. The authors then carefully walk readers through diagnosis, treatments, care and""Future Directions"" for combating the disease. There are first-person patient testimony and sidebar notes from""Dr. Jill"" throughout, and appendices of references and state-by-state resources. The tone is calm, capable and reassuring.