cover image NO MORE LIES


Susan Squires, . . Love Spell, $6.99 (406pp) ISBN 978-0-505-52566-6

All of the elements that made Squires's previous sci-fi romantic suspense novel, Body Electric, such an eye-popping read manifest themselves here—a feverish romance, a pervasive sense of danger and an exhilarating chase full of adrenaline-fueled encounters. This time, however, Squires shifts her focus from the computer sciences to the biological sciences, deftly tackling the ethical issues surrounding genetic research and skewering both religious and scientific fanaticism. The story opens sluggishly as psychiatrist Holland Banks struggles with her belief that she's going crazy. Not only does she hear voices, but she's convinced that a man in a plaid shirt is stalking her. As it turns out, he is. Reporter Jeff McQueen hears the voices too, and he thinks Holland can help quiet them. Holland spends the first several chapters dodging Jeff and her narcissistic father, who wants her help with his latest genetic manipulation experiment. When she finally teams up with Jeff and they realize that they share an abnormal but extraordinary gene, they find themselves on the run from a power-hungry senator, his hitmen and the Army. The scientific supposition supporting the story—that a genetic mutation can be passed via a virus—is murky, and secondary characters like Jeff's bible-thumping father lack dimension. However, few romantic suspense authors know how to write a chase sequence as thrillingly as Squires, and readers who journey beyond the slow first half will find themselves hopelessly engaged. (Oct.)