cover image Women Men Love/Women Men Leave

Women Men Love/Women Men Leave

Connell Cowan. Clarkson N Potter Publishers, $18.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-517-56248-2

In a followup to the bestselling Smart Women/Foolish Choices, psychologists Kinder and Cowan load the pages with warnings against self-defeating female traits. The authors insist that men need and want lifetime commitments to women they choose. But when masculine pride is threatened, they say, eligible males reject even women who attract them strongly. The book's lengthy first section consists of interviews with females seeking counsel on why they fail to marry; they describe affairs ending abruptly when promising partners flee from women too eagerly initiating sex, or affecting superiority to men they really desire, etc. The second part contains philosophical generalities on permanent relationships supported by love, in which two people overcome selfishness and devote themselves to each other. A series of quizzes offers women the opportunity to understand how their ""styles of loving'' affect men. 135,000 first printing; $100,000 ad promo; author tour. (June 14)