cover image Eat Right, Live Longer: Using the Natural Power of Foods to Age Proof Your Body

Eat Right, Live Longer: Using the Natural Power of Foods to Age Proof Your Body

Neal D. Barnard, M.D.. Harmony, $24 (388pp) ISBN 978-0-517-79950-5

Barnard, author of Food for Life and president of the Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine, has developed an eight-step program to age-proof the body from the inside out. The first step is to use nutrients from fruits, legumes and vegetables to shield the body against free radicals, ``aggressive molecules [that] are the equivalent of factory exhaust'' and that damage the body's cells and contribute to the decay associated with aging. Other steps call for strengthening the body's defenses against environmental pollutants with natural enzymes; controlling sex hormones through diet and weight control; protecting veins and arteries by eating foods that reduce vein pressures and artery closures; maintaining strong bones and joints and taking off weight. His program requires a restrictive, low-fat (10% of daily calorie intake), vegetarian diet and a regular walking regime. Barnard recommends a ``Zero-a-Day'' program of meats and dairy products for maximum health benefits. Despite the program's daunting aspects, Barnard's 14-day menu plan and selection of dairy-and meat-free recipes, developed by Jennifer Raymond, deliver an intriguing challenge. What diet can't be followed for two weeks? (Sept.)