cover image Mayor for a New America

Mayor for a New America

Thomas M. Menino with Jack Beatty. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $28 (256p) ISBN 978-0-544-30249-5

Former Boston mayor Menino’s straightforward account of the political highs and lows of his five terms in office focuses on his passion for service. He begins by describing how he handled the city’s response to the Boston Marathon bombing despite being hampered by a broken leg. A quick sketch of his family and pre-mayoral background precedes the chronicle of his time in office. The book is, for the most part, plainly written; Menino, nicknamed “Mumbles,” mentions his penchant for verbal gaffes throughout. His zeal to serve the average citizen, however, shines through and lifts the book’s prose at times, such as when he describes progress as “not abandoning the past but recovering its richness and spreading the wealth to new circumstances and new people.” Menino’s five terms speak volumes about both his political savvy and connection to Bostonians, of whom 54% (according to a poll) have met him at one time. His efforts to improve Boston’s school system, settle conflicts with fire and police unions, and carry out urban renewal might not have been successful across the board, but the philosophy behind these actions is worthy of note. Agent: Richard Abate, 3 Arts Entertainment. (Oct.)