cover image Sister of Starlit Seas

Sister of Starlit Seas

Terry Brooks. Del Rey, $28.99 (304p) ISBN 978-0-593-12977-7

Bestseller Brooks’s third Viridian Deep epic fantasy (after Daughter of Darkness) turns the focus from Auris to her adoptive sister, Charlayne, who, three years before the book begins, ran away from the fae land of Viridian Deep to the human world hoping to find out where she came from. Soon after her flight, Char was taken in by a pirate crew led by the Silver Blade, aka Brecklin Craile. Now, the Blade’s life is imperiled by the slavers he targets, known as the Faraway Trades Company, and Char sets out to rescue him. Along the way, she discovers something unexpected about her heritage that redirects her search for answers to the depths of the ocean, chasing her past and the biological family she can’t remember. All the while, danger in the form of the vengeful Faraway Trades Company lurks on the horizon. The theme of belonging strikes a chord and, though Charlayne’s youth brings a YA vibe to the proceedings, her earnestness is sure to charm fans of the previous books. The result is an exciting new direction for the series. Agent: Anne Sibbald, Janklow & Nesbit Assoc. (Nov.)