cover image Body Kindness: Transform Your Health From the Inside Out—and Never Say Diet Again

Body Kindness: Transform Your Health From the Inside Out—and Never Say Diet Again

Rebecca Scritchfield. Workman, $14.95 trade paper (256p) ISBN 978-0-7611-8729-5

“Take a hammer to your scale,” orders Scritchfield in her rousing guide to better health. She seeks a transformation of mindset, valuing self-acceptance over physical perfection. Her approach skirts traditional strict dieting rules and widens the scope and breadth of the concepts used in health improvement. Instead of pounds lost, Scritchfield’s plan measures success by happiness gained. She preaches for an end to the “war” on food and sanctions mindfully eating comfort foods and desserts. In fitness, she urges a flexible approach based on finding enjoyable ways to incorporate movement into daily life. Beyond connecting with oneself, Scritchfield touts connecting with others and building healthy relationships in the name of personal health. At times, Scritchfield’s ideas sound high-minded, even nebulous; however, her approach is practical and down-to-earth. Dotted with acronyms, easy-to-read diagrams, quick self-assessments, and action plans, Scritchfield’s work boils down complex behavioral science ideas into accessible self-improvement strategies. Her guide is comprehensive, but Scritchfield doesn’t see the need to change all things at once, instead recommending getting a toehold in a few aspects of health and fitness that can begin a “spiral up” effect toward achieving body kindness.[em] (Jan.) [/em]