Unwrapped Sky
Rjurik Davidson. Tor, $25.99 (432p) ISBN 978-0-7653-2988-2
Debut novelist Davidson returns to his New Weird city of Caeli-Amur (explored in his 2011 collection, The Library of Forgotten Books) with a brooding tale of civil unrest and personal destinies. Minotaurs wander the streets and philosopher-assassins debate in the cafes, while factory workers rebel against shoddy magic that doesn’t protect them from industrial accidents—or sabotage. Seditionist Maximilian seeks to overthrow the ruling Houses with mathematical equations of thaumaturgy, and undercover House agent Kata must decide whether to join or betray his cause. Davidson interweaves a mythic background of fallible gods with a contemporary urban tale of characters forced to make hard choices between their principles and their desires. Readers who enjoy the mix of outré technology and body-warped beings in China Miéville’s Bas-Lag novels will appreciate Davidson’s work, though Davidson makes it easier to distinguish between good guys and bad guys . [em](Apr.)
Reviewed on: 02/17/2014
Genre: Fiction
Mass Market Paperbound - 528 pages - 978-0-7653-6786-0
Other - 432 pages - 978-1-4299-4838-8
Paperback - 434 pages - 978-1-4472-5238-2