cover image Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus

Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus

Benjamin L. Corey. Destiny Image, $15.99 trade paper (192p) ISBN 978-0-7684-8890-6

Formerly Fundie blogger Corey spits out a lukewarm, "watered-down" American Christianity for something spicier and unadulterated. When challenged by his wife to take his truisms to seminary, Corey made his way to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary near Boston, where his encounter with an "undiluted Jesus" placed him in danger of becoming "a little too %E2%80%98liberal'," he writes, "since living like Jesus caused me to move in a right-to-left trajectory." In a breezy style, Corey aims his conversion story toward a younger conservative Christian audience "hungry for a Jesus that's a little more applicable and a little more radical than what they're being served up by the American church." Using Bible study and personal stories, he examines 12 Christian themes, including community, change, justice, forgiveness, loyalty, and identity. One anecdote about an adoption gone wrong demonstrates the sincerity of Corey's memoir and the depth of his faith, which leads him as far as a Peruvian orphanage. While exhibiting some weaknesses common to a first book, this nonetheless establishes Corey's voice within the emergent church movement. (Aug.)