cover image On the Side of My People: A Religious Life of Malcolm X

On the Side of My People: A Religious Life of Malcolm X

Louis A. DeCaro, Jr.. New York University Press, $65 (344pp) ISBN 978-0-8147-1864-3

Until recently, general ignorance about Islam has been a limiting factor in both preparing and reading accounts of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and of Malcolm X, who was the chief spokesman for NOI founder Elijah Muhammad until late 1963; but things have changed of late, and this book makes good use of those changes. By the time of his assassination in February 1965, Malcolm X had himself become the most prominent spokesperson for black nationalism. DeCaro, in his first book, has produced a groundbreaking study of Malcolm's relationship to Islam as a religion. Included as well is an account of the often contentious interaction between NOI and more orthodox Islamic groups, as well as a revealing account of early Islamic evangelism in African American communities. This is the best, most thorough account we have of Malcolm X as a religious leader. (Nov.)