cover image The Way

The Way

Lao Tzu, Gerald Schoenewolf, Chuang Tzu. Jain Publishing Company, $20 (144pp) ISBN 978-0-87573-082-0

Sophia Institute Press, which makes classic Catholic works accessible to contemporary readers, presents The Aquinas Prayer Book: The Prayers and Hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas, translated and edited by Robert Anderson and Johann Moser. This edition is special because it offers Aquinas's Latin prayers alongside the lovely, poetic English translation. ""O most loving Father,"" Aquinas writes in a Eucharistic prayer, ""give to me Your beloved Son, Whom now I intend to receive in this hidden form, but hope to contemplate face to face for all eternity."" ($9.95 128p ISBN 1-928832-14-8; Sept.) ~ Taoist devotees now have one-stop shopping for three of the major Taoist classics--for the first time, Lao Tzu's Tao te Ching, Seng Tsan's ""Trusting the Inner Self"" and Chuang Tzu's most famous narratives are gathered together in one volume, The Way: According to Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Seng Tsan. Psychotherapist Gerald Schoenewolf's rendition is not translated from the Chinese, which is a pity, but it does attempt to preserve the poetic rhythm of the original texts. (Jain Publishing, $12.95 paper 152p ISBN 0-87573-082-5; Sept.)