cover image The Renegade Writer: A Totally Innovative Guide to Freelance Writing Success

The Renegade Writer: A Totally Innovative Guide to Freelance Writing Success

Linda Formichelli, Diana Burrell. Marion Street Press, $14.95 (206pp) ISBN 978-0-9665176-8-2

Keep query letters to one page. Never call an editor. Face-to-face interviews take up too much time. According to sassy authors Formichelli and Burrell, such standard rules about freelance writing ought to be tossed in the wastebasket with last year's self-addressed-stamped-envelopes. So why do so many writers stick to the rules?""Bugaboos abound because freelance writers work largely on their own,"" the authors explain, and such isolation makes it hard to learn about better procedures and ideas. Their own guide aims to set freelance writers straight. Full of great tips and common sense, the book demystifies all the stages of getting a piece published, from""Cranking up the Idea Factory"" to""Getting the Green."" Their overall advice:""Timely ideas and professional attitude...will take you further than the so-called 'connections' lesser writers gnash their teeth over."" Upbeat and exceptionally informative, this book is an excellent choice for both working and would-be writers.