cover image Uncle John’s Band: Book 6 of the JP Kinkaid Chronicles

Uncle John’s Band: Book 6 of the JP Kinkaid Chronicles

Deborah Grabien. Plus One (, $17.95 trade paper (306p) ISBN 978-0-9844362-8-6

Grabien’s so-so sixth chronicle featuring guitarist JP Kinkaid (after 2011’s Book of Days) finds JP back in San Francisco, along with his wife, Bree Godwin, ready to resume playing following his heart attack and completion of the Blacklight band’s nearly two-year tour. Blacklight’s interest in buying the 707 Club in nearby San Rafael involves JP in dealing with promoter Folkie Lind and Star Woodley, a woman with whom Bree has a hate-filled past. After a deal appears to be set and renovations made, arson empties and destroys the club with one fatality and many questions at an invitation-only performance catered by Bree and featuring JP’s own band, the Fog City Geezers. Grabien’s intimate knowledge about all aspects of the music business, from creating to jamming and performing, will satisfy many, but not those expecting a gripping mystery. Agent: Kate McKean, Howard Morhaim Literary Agency. (Apr.)