cover image Black Canary, Vol. 1: Kicking and Screaming

Black Canary, Vol. 1: Kicking and Screaming

Brendan Fletcher and Annie Wu. DC, $14.99 trade paper (168p) ISBN 978-1-4012-6117-7

In the DC Universe, there are so many superheroes floating around that they've got to go off and get other gigs. Of course, as far as crime-fighting fallbacks go, rock star is pretty solid. Dinah Lance, now the front woman of a group that shares a name with her costumed alias, uses her vocal and aerobatic prowess to wow audiences and occasionally take care of rabble-rousers between sets. Fletcher's (Batgirl) new Black Canary series is a fun excursion from the standard superhero fare, and Wu's (Hawkeye) artwork really shines. Her work is downright gleeful, with a sketchy and free line that hops between standard narrative and flights of fancy with little effort, coupled beautifully with Lee Loughridge's sparing use of color. (Mar.)