cover image Life, Love, and a Hijacking: My Pan Am Memoir

Life, Love, and a Hijacking: My Pan Am Memoir

Wendy Sue Knecht. CreateSpace, $10.79 (208p) ISBN 978-1-5025-2349-5

Knecht's delightful memoir introduces readers to the exciting world of air travel. She spent decades as a flight attendant for Pan Am Airlines, getting to experience the glamour of world travel and an older, more luxurious way of getting places (before budget airlines ascended and Pan Am went bankrupt). Her years of travel took her all over the world, led her to meet many amazing people, and helped her maintain close ties with family, friends, and lovers, especially with her family's liberal use of her travel benefits. She exposes this world to readers in delightful anecdotes%E2%80%94some funny, some heartbreaking%E2%80%94and on every page displays an infectious lust for travel and adventure. Knecht draws readers in with charm and makes them feel a part of the Pan Am experience. Given the present-day experience of flying coach-class, even readers too young to have flown on Pan Am will feel nostalgic. She also provides valuable advice on packing, eating, and generally being a smart traveler, as well as some recipes for some of Pan Am's most popular in-flight meals. (BookLife)