cover image Soviet Military Politics: Contemporary Issue

Soviet Military Politics: Contemporary Issue

Jonathan Vankin, Kenneth M. Currie. Paragon House Publishers, $24.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-1-55778-384-4

``I find enough strange circumstances to make me dizzy,'' writes Vankin, editor of Metro , an ``alternative'' weekly newspaper in San Jose, Calif. His survey of conspiracies is divided into two parts, the first profiling people who see historical and ongoing political events as plots, the second section exploring their ideas. Many of these theories are bizarre, involving the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Knights of Templar and, more recently, the Soviet Politburo, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Mafia and the CIA. Conjectures include speculation about humans programmed a la the Manchurian Candidate ; the possibility that Jonestown was not a mass suicide; and the question of whether white Europeans are the ``real Jews,'' and those who actually identify themselves as Jews members of a mongrel race merely pretending to be Jewish. (Sept.)