cover image Marauders


Tim Green. Turner Publications Inc, $22.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-1-57036-366-5

The resolution of Green's latest football suspense novel is formulaic, but there's still enough tension in this tale of a lethal linebacker run amok to keep sports readers on edge. Luther Zorn, the defensive star of the NFL's Florida Marauders, goes from entertaining the overtures of attorney and protagonist Madison McCall (Outlaws), who wants to be his agent, to desperately needing her services as a defense lawyer after team owner Evan Chase is killed in a suspicious swimming accident. All evidence points toward Zorn: his affair with Chase's wife; the discovery of a parking ticket that places him at the crime scene; and the incriminating scuba gear police find at his girlfriend's house. But when McCall's partner begins to investigate, clues turn up that hint at a conspiracy involving moneyed interests and a corrupt cop. The action escalates when Zorn tries to outrun the police as they attempt to arrest him, then takes McCall hostage in a desperate attempt to avoid a trial. Green telegraphs the killer's identity, but as the body count climbs he floats sufficient possible alternate culprits to set up an exciting climax. Although most of the characters are cardboard, McCall remains a redoubtable heroine, and Green is once again at the top of his game when it comes to integrating the inner workings of football into his story. Major ad/promo. (May)