cover image Soldiers of God: White Supremacists and Their Holy War for America

Soldiers of God: White Supremacists and Their Holy War for America

Howard Bushart. Kensington Publishing Corporation, $22.95 (308pp) ISBN 978-1-57566-206-0

Through dozens of interviews with members involved in various supremacists organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation, the authors look at the motivations that drive individuals to support these extremist associations. The men and women who are interviewed are candid in voicing their belief that the U.S. government is under the influence of the Zionist Occupational Government (ZOG), whose aim is to create a one-world government where the rights of white Americans would be severely curtailed. Although many see conspiracies behind nearly every action taken by the federal government, American readers might find themselves agreeing with some of the concerns of these groups about the growing lack of citizens' privacy as the government and private companies collect more and more data on individuals' lives. Separating this book from others on radical organizations is the authors' assertion that many members are driven by the principles of Christian Identity, a religion that believes Anglo-Saxons are the only true offsprings of Adam. Most members quoted here proclaim they are doing God's work in fighting, through violence if necessary, to create a white homeland. Bushart, Craig (both freelance journalists) and Barnes (an English teacher) are to be credited with doing firsthand research that they have melded into an involving account of what motivates fringe groups. Photos not seem by PW. (June)