cover image Face Value

Face Value

Hema Sundaram. Rodale Press, $24.95 (320pp) ISBN 978-1-57954-708-0

Sundaram's volume offers women considering a cosmetic procedure--but who still aren't entirely comfortable with""buying beauty""--a sane, intelligent argument that they have a right to be beautiful. Barring a few questionable analogies (she compares braces to laser wrinkle removal, for instance, without noting that the former may be considered medically necessary, and suggests that the indignation once directed at suffragettes is akin to the offense some feel now toward women who get liposuction) her argument that procedures are not something to be ashamed or afraid of is calm and reasoned. Women (and men) have always tried to enhance their looks--we simply have more sophisticated ways of doing it these days, she says. But Sundaram's book is not merely an extended rationale for booking that tummy tuck: she focuses on how women can feel better about themselves (inner beauty being the secret to real outer beauty), and offers guided meditations, principles of living (e.g.,""do at least one thing a day that inspires you""), tips on healthy living, basic skin-care regimens and all-around encouraging advice. For those willing to take the plunge into any cosmetic procedure, major or minor, she offers steps to do so, from heeding the serenity prayer to finding the right doctor. In an arena full of vociferous opponents and equally enthusiastic proponents, Sundaram is a quiet, encouraging and rational voice, and for that, her book stands out.