cover image Enemy: The Seven Eyes, Book 3

Enemy: The Seven Eyes, Book 3

Betsy Dornbusch. Night Shade, $25.99 (352p) ISBN 978-1-59780-864-4

In this bold sword and sorcery fantasy, the last in the Seven Eyes trilogy (following Emissary), the season of Frost comes to the land of Brîn, rendering it windy and frozen. Draken vae Khellian, a former bounty hunter now married to Akrasia’s Queen Elena—who’s now missing and presumed dead—has been commanded to protect Brîn in the ongoing war between Monoea and Akrasia. The Brînians don’t know that Draken is secretly a bastard relative of the Monoean king; if they did, they’d likely run him through, as would many Akrasians. When Lord Ilumat, Elena’s cousin, enters Brîn equipped for a coup, Draken is caught completely off guard. Adventurous swordsmanship, derring-do, and relentless dodging from onslaughts flow satisfactorily from page to page, but those who haven’t read the previous volumes will find this one confusing in the extreme. Agent: Sara Megibow, KT Literary. (Feb.)