cover image Thunderous Silence: 
A Formula for Ending Suffering: A Practical Guide to the Heart Sutra

Thunderous Silence: A Formula for Ending Suffering: A Practical Guide to the Heart Sutra

Dosung Yoo. Wisdom (PGW, dist.), $17.95 trade paper (224p) ISBN 978-1-61429-053-7

The brief Heart Sutra, central to the Mahayana tradition, can puzzle students of Buddhism with such statements as “form is emptiness, emptiness is form” and “no ignorance, nor extinction of ignorance.” Yoo, a Won Buddhist minister ordained in Korea and now teaching in New York State, discusses the sutra line by line to demonstrate how it expresses the most basic teachings of this Eastern philosophy. “When emptiness, which is the nature of all things, is clearly understood, the root of suffering is severed,” he writes. Noting that the Heart Sutra condenses into fewer than 300 English words many volumes of prajna paramita (perfection of wisdom) teachings, the author explores such concepts as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the emptiness of the self. Yoo packs his book with quotes from other sutras (considered to be the teachings of the Buddha himself), stories from across the spectrum of Buddhist wisdom, simple analogies, and examples from other religions and science to illustrate the Heart Sutra’s expression of enlightenment. Yoo’s assured writing, clear illustrations, and masterful knowledge of Buddhism past and present (including Chinese and Korean Zen) make this book an excellent introduction to a key sutra. (Jan.)