cover image The Wired Soul

The Wired Soul

Tricia McCary Rhodes. NavPress, $14.99 trade paper (208p) ISBN 978-1-63146-512-3

As incredible as technological advancement is, Rhodes (Sacred Chaos) writes, it has pulled many modern seekers from the nature of spiritual formation. In this savvy prescription for reconnecting with the basics of faith, she proposes a simple but demanding solution: “Establish new habits of life.” Instead of succumbing to the ever-present temptations of smartphones, the Internet, and the 24-hour news cycle, Rhodes turns to the time-tested wisdom of Scripture to relearn habits that will declutter the soul and spirit, opening up space for a higher intimacy with Christ. She organizes this slim manual along the four ancient pathways of the lectio divina (sacred reading): reading, meditating, praying, and contemplating. “Lectio” encourages “slow reading and deep thinking”; “Contemplatio” offers pithy, poetic analysis. Following each part, she assigns homework and self-assessments, providing techniques for increasing reception and retention and strategies of solitude and action to cut through distracting pings and links. While reviewing recent studies about brains and neural pathways, Rhodes strikes a more worrisome tone, but her conclusions are uplifting, empowering, and pragmatic. For readers willing to unplug and listen, this highly readable how-to will provide plenty to contemplate. [em](July) [/em]