cover image Backwards Beliefs: Revealing Eternal Truths Hidden in Religions

Backwards Beliefs: Revealing Eternal Truths Hidden in Religions

Nanci L. Danison. A.P. Lee & Co. (, $19.95 (198p) ISBN 978-1-934482-10-0

During a near-death experience, Danison connected with Source (her term for a universal spirit in which all of creation resides) and viewed the entirety of human religious history. Additionally, she came to realize the ways her Judeo-Christian upbringing misled her and how people use organized religion for personal gain. Danison conveys a message of universal love and hope, and encourages readers to abandon any fear of death and be skeptical of people using religion to advance nonspiritual agendas or claim exclusive license over the truth. She also provides a summary of the evolution of the Judeo-Christian tradition to highlight where humanity has erred in the path from universal truth. Her insights come across as harmless and well-meaning, and while readers may be skeptical about near-death experiences and comprehensive instantaneous knowledge of the universe after death, her points about universal love and good works are positive. However, readers will find her credibility strained when she begins predicting future events.