cover image Conversational Intelligence: 
How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results

Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results

Judith E. Glaser. Bibliomotion (Pathway, dist.), $27.95 (250p) ISBN 978-1-937134-67-9

Basing her tips on recent neuroscience research, Benchmark Communications CEO and executive coach Glaser instructs readers on how to enhance conversations in a professional setting, and develop new conversational rituals. Case studies illustrate the essential transition up the levels: Level I, which is transactional (how to exchange data and information); Level II, which is positional (how to work with power and influence); and Level III, which is transformational (how to co-create the future for mutual success.) Following her advice, Glaser claims, will help readers adjust their neurochemistry, strengthen their relationships, and influence the way they interpret reality. The book is strongest when Glaser astutely describes issues such as becoming addicted to being right. Specifics for achieving the title’s promised conversational enhancement become lost, however, due to overwriting and overreliance on contrived acronyms and unnecessary trademarking: Conversational Intelligence™, STAR Skills™, Vital Instincts™. While readers may glean encouragement from the ability to positively affect their interactions, the book’s tone will deter most readers. Agent: Al Zuckerman, Writers House. (Oct.)