cover image 30 Rights of Muslim Women: A Trusted Guide

30 Rights of Muslim Women: A Trusted Guide

Daisy Khan. Monkfish, $29.99 (318p) ISBN 978-1-95897-233-5

Khan (The Spiritual Journey of a Muslim Woman), founder of the Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality, an organization dedicated to empowering female Muslim leaders, establishes Muslim women’s religious and moral equality as the foundation for this comprehensive overview. Drawing on the Quran, textual commentaries, and historical examples of Muslim women ranging from the Queen of Sheba to lesser-known Chinese imams, Khan covers free expression (the Quran requires all Muslims to “speak openly about the truth and denounce injustice,” and the prophet Muhammad instructed women to debate with leaders to help build a strong society) and abortion (most Quranic interpretations agree that the practice is permitted to ensure the mother’s health), as well as property ownership, secular education, political leadership, and hygiene. While the personal anecdotes Khan weaves into the account sometimes feel out of place (illustrating how the Quran permits women to own and acquire property, she explains that her own portfolio of rental properties has allowed her to “generate consistent monthly cash flow”), Khan’s methodical textual analysis buttresses her case that Muslim women’s religious equality is enshrined in the Quran, which has been misinterpreted by leaders of oppressive societies to subjugate women. This solid theological guide is worth a look. (May)