cover image THE CASE FOR A CREATOR: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

THE CASE FOR A CREATOR: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

Lee Strobel, . . Zondervan, $19.99 (352pp) ISBN 978-0-310-24144-7

Strobel, whose apologetics titles The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith have enjoyed strong popularity among evangelicals, approaches creation/evolution issues in the same simple and energetic style. The format will be familiar to readers of previous Case books: Strobel visits with scholars and researchers and works each interview into a topical outline. Although Strobel does not interview any "hostile" witnesses, he exposes readers to the work of some major origins researchers (including Jonathan Wells, Stephen Meyer and Michael Behe) and theistic philosophers (including William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland). Strobel claims no expertise in science or metaphysics, but as an interviewer he makes this an asset, prodding his sources to translate jargon and provide illustrations for their arguments. At times, the interview format loses momentum as seams begin to show between interview recordings, rewrites, research notes and details imported from his subjects' CVs (here, Strobel's efforts at buffing his subjects' smart-guy credentials can become a little too intense). The most curious feature of the book—not uncommon in the origins literature but unusual in a work of Christian apologetics—is that biblical narratives and images of creation, and the significance of creation for Christian theology, receive such brief mention. Still, this solid introduction to the most important topics in origins debates is highly accessible and packs a good argumentative punch. (Apr.)

Forecast: Strobel's books The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith won Gold Medallion awards and sold into the seven figures. This month, also watch for his The Case for Easter to argue for the historical authenticity of the Resurrection (Feb.)
