Take Control of Your Money: A Life Guide to Financial Freedom
Barbara Lee. Villard Books, $16.95 (188pp) ISBN 978-0-394-54392-5
Offering separate financial strategies for different age groups, as needs and assets change, this guide advises readers to make lists of what they own, spend and save, the clear implication being to save more and spend less. Financial security is an ongoing affair, the authors show, while describing various financial instrumentsbank accounts, mutual funds, IRAsfor making assets grow. The authors (Lee is an executive with Shearson Lehman Brothers and a financial columnist; Siegel is a freelance writer) give incisive comments on roommate finances, two-income marriages and the money aspects of modern parenthood; they delineate the process by which young, carefree, well-paid singles can turn into problem-ridden divorced parents. (September 26)
Reviewed on: 08/05/1986
Genre: Nonfiction