cover image Historical Atlas of the United States

Historical Atlas of the United States

Derek Hayes. University of California Press, $45 (280pp) ISBN 978-0-520-25036-9

Hayes, the writer/compiler of the America Discovered and Historical Atlas of the Arctic, presents a fine mix of research, design and craftsmanship in this collection of maps ""from 1492 to 9/11."" This is history ""in comprehensive form from the unique geographic perspective allowed by the study of original maps,"" and a perfect holiday gift treat for the map, travel or history buff. The volume is packed with maps and dense with text. Beginning with ""the First Peoples"" maps, the book covers a wide swath of U.S. history, including the early settlement at Jamestown; an ""improved"" Pennsylvania (improved by the arrival of European settlers, that is); a map of the ""shot hear round the world"" in Colonial Concord; a slave's map to the Underground Railroad; a bird's eye view of Manhattan just after the Brooklyn Bridge went into service; and strategic maps from American military campaigns in Europe, Vietnam and Iraq. The text, though not as fascinating as the cartography, does a more than adequate job of explaining the role maps played in America's history. As a bonus for those who want to peer in depth (or who simply find the volume a tad overwhelming), each map is available online for a closer, cleaner peek. Photos.