cover image Juffie Kane

Juffie Kane

Beverly S. Martin. Bantam Books, $18.95 (504pp) ISBN 978-0-553-05345-6

Beautiful young women who lead charmed lives and rise swiftly to the top as actresses are a dime-a-dozen in books these days. Not so Juffie Kane, the unstereotypical heroine of this rich, amusing and sensual tale. Born on the Boston Common during a demonstration on behalf of Sacco and Vanzetti, Juffie is the beloved granddaughter of two memorable gangsters, Dino and Bennie, who vie to give the little girl huge stuffed animals and jewel-encrusted religious icons. When Juffie's acting career stalls at the door to Broadway, she gives it a shove by entering into a Faustian deal with the Mob. For the rest of her life, fear of exposure tempers her enjoyment of fame. Meantime, her best friend Karen, who scuffled her way up from poverty, is sinking fast in her attempt to become ultra-respectable. Martin throws in some real clunkers``It was such a burden, being loved and loving in return,'' sighs Juffiebut delivers an enjoyable page-turner, nonetheless. $100,000 ad/promo. (Mar.)