cover image The Flame: An Unlikely Patriot Finds a Country to Love

The Flame: An Unlikely Patriot Finds a Country to Love

Steve Barr, John Poppy. William Morrow & Company, $16.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-688-06557-7

This account of the Olympic torch's journey from New York to Los Angeles in 1984 provides an emotional experience, if not an altogether satisfying road. Barr was one of the so-called ""torch rats,'' the Relay Advance Team whose members arranged the itinerary across the country; here he and freelance writer Poppy describe the difficulties that had to be overcome and the eventual triumph of the undertaking. But there are several puzzlements about the memoir: the subtitle is chief among them, since there seems little reason why Barr should think he is an ``unlikely'' patriot; that Americans can be kind, generous and loyal to their nation apparently was a revelation to him. Finally, the book is far longer than need be. Photos not seen by PW. (September 30)