The Handknitter's Handbook
Montse Stanley. David & Charles Publishers, $24.95 (288pp) ISBN 978-0-7153-8805-1
Intermediate or experienced knitters will find that this friendly, readable handbook makes a superb companion and reference. The guide returns to basic concepts, reducing knitting to ""no more than a succession of yarn waves which have been made to interlock.'' Yet, Stanley explores all manner of variations on that theme and, throughout, offers the knitter a sense of control and choices on how to proceed. Copy is consistently reinforced by more than 650 crystal-clear illustrations, with a second color used to spotlight the working yarn. Color is also utilized effectively to create ``tabs'' indicating chapter topic on every page, and to emphasize symbols that describe each technique as either essential to know, generally useful or for special effects only. Stanley, a household name in British knitting circles, has culled methods from throughout the world, all of interest and relevancy to American knitters. Rodale Book Club selection. (January 15)
Reviewed on: 09/01/1987
Genre: Nonfiction