cover image EAT AWAY DIABETES: Beat Type 2 Diabetes by Winning the Blood-Sugar Battle

EAT AWAY DIABETES: Beat Type 2 Diabetes by Winning the Blood-Sugar Battle

Kristine M. Napier, , foreword by Byron J. Hoogwerf. . Prentice Hall Press, $16 (384pp) ISBN 978-0-7352-0251-1

According to Napier (Power Nutrition for Chronic Illness), a nutritionist who herself has type 2 diabetes, the disease is on the rise: formerly called "adult onset" diabetes, type 2 is now being found in teenagers and children. Diabetes frequently goes undiagnosed, and it may lead to serious complications such as blindness, kidney damage and heart disease. Napier stresses that weight loss is the key to avoiding diabetes, type 2, as well as to lowering blood cholesterol and avoiding the risk of hypertension, "the silent killer." For those who have the disease, she recommends a diet and exercise program designed to control blood sugar. She goes into a great deal of nutritional complexities to explain her eating plan, but essentially this sensible program is similar to those advocated by many other health-care providers. A diet that will lower blood sugar should contain nutritional carbohydrates (fruits and grains) rather than carbohydrates that are "stripped of nutrients" (soda and cookies). It is important to eat fiber-rich foods and low fat proteins (broiled and baked meat, fish and poultry rather than fried foods). The most accessible and interesting part of the author's program is the 28 days of interchangeable menus, calculated at either a 1500 or 1800 daily calorie intake. Some of the many mouth-watering recipes included are the Double Raspberry Shake, a Hummus Spinach Wrap and Lemon-and-Orange-Roasted Red Snapper. Napier offers an easy-to-read, thorough and encouraging reference for type 2 sufferers and their caretakers. (June)
