cover image 7 Days of Magic: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for the Bewitching Week

7 Days of Magic: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for the Bewitching Week

Ellen Dugan. Llewellyn Publications, $12.95 (203pp) ISBN 978-0-7387-0589-7

Magic doesn't have to be just for holy days and Sabbats, says Dugan, a self-described ""garden witch"" who has practiced witchcraft for 15 years. Magic can also bring energy to everyday life, and can punctuate the rhythm of days and weeks. This well-designed book features seven chapters, one for each day of the week, and (you guessed it) seven divisions within each chapter, as Dugan highlights aspects of each day: accessories; applications and attributes; deities; plants and flowers; colors, candles and crystals; tarot associations; and foods and spices. Pagan readers will appreciate the step-by-step approach and the detailed information about the history and lore of the days of the week (all hail Woden and Thor!). Friday, which is named after the Norse goddess of love, turns out to be a special time for romance, so Dugan offers the expected passion and fertility spells. This book will be useful to novice practitioners, who may find it a winsome invitation to incorporating magic into daily life, and to women who are interested in Wicca. There's little here that is original, but the book's layout is attractive and Dugan's writing style is hip and on-target for her audience (Lilith, for instance, is described as ""the original bad-ass chick"").