The Apologetics of Jesus
Norman L. Geisler, Patrick Zukeran, . . Baker Books, $16.99 (207pp) ISBN 978-0-8010-7186-7
Geisler is one of the most prolific authors of Christian books wielding a pen. With more than 70 works under his belt, one wonders if he has anything new to say that hasn’t been said before. This challenging book is part defense of the gospel and part primer in philosophical logic. Studying the life of Jesus from several perspectives, Geisler demonstrates how Jesus, in his life, his miracles and his teachings—indeed, in his very existence and claims to divinity—satisfies even the most stringent tests for philosophical wholeness and coherence. Jesus is presented as the ultimate apologist, as one who “was familiar with and utilized all the basic laws of rational thought and reasoning processes.” This is quite a claim, and one that may not be evident from a simple reading of the gospels. But in the competent and skilled hands of Geisler and coauthor Zukeran, who works for a Texas Ministry organization, the thesis gains some credibility. Beginning students will be challenged by the avalanche of philosophical terminology. Experienced readers will be challenged to determine the authenticity of the authors’ conclusions.
Reviewed on: 11/10/2008
Genre: Nonfiction