cover image Miniature Roses: Their Care and Cultivation

Miniature Roses: Their Care and Cultivation

Sean Nccann, Sean McCann, Daniel N. Rolph. Stackpole Books, $27.95 (144pp) ISBN 978-0-8117-0893-7

""You fight us like devils and nurse us like angels,"" one Confederate soldier is quoted as saying of the Union army in My Brother's Keeper: Union and Confederate Soldiers' Acts of Mercy During the Civil War. Allegheny University liberal arts and applied sciences professor Daniel N. Rolph's book is a scholarly but accessible look at how enemy soldiers fraternized, cared for one another in hospitals and sometimes even saved each other from death in battle. Rolph quotes extensively from moving, first-hand accounts of soldiers who shared blankets and food and proudly insisted on recognizing the humanity of their enemy. (Stackpole, $24.95 144p ISBN 0-8117-0893-4; Feb.)