Financial Fresh Start: Your Five-Step Plan for Adapting and Prospering in the New Economy
Shari Olefson. Amacom, $26 (320p) ISBN 978-0-8144-3229-7
Befuddled by the new economy? Attorney-mediator and journalist Olefson (Foreclosure Nation: Mortgaging the American Dream) brings readers a refreshingly simple rundown of how we got into our current economic situation—the bubble, the bailouts, the Great Recession, and decades of unsustainable economic trends—and thankfully refrains from any political potshots in either direction. Olefson urges readers to get a “fresh start” on their financial situation and future, and take responsibility for understanding what’s happening in the economy. Olefson coaches readers through subjects that include fixing their credit and debt; protecting savings, investments, and retirement; weighing the pros and cons of home ownership; managing budgets and spending; asking for help when it’s needed; and seeking further education on financial literacy. Though the nostalgia-appeal to America’s (former?) greatness is a bit dated, her layperson’s terms and specific information on practical items such as car loans and student loans will appeal to readers. The result is a much-needed primer on the complex economic landscape. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 12/10/2012
Genre: Nonfiction
Other - 320 pages - 978-0-8144-3230-3